Company: BEW Berliner Energie und Wärme AG
Project name: Zukunftsnetz Nordwest
Locations: Berlin, North-western part – CHP Reuter West
- based on hydrogen
- Realisation of a of regional hydrogen-ready transport network for the hydrogen-based heat and power generation in CHP plants (combined heat and power)
- Commissioning 2030
- Expansion of Berlin’s district heating to climate-neutrality by 2040
In large cities like Berlin, the energy transition is primarily a heating transition. In order to enable a climate-neutral district heating supply by 2040, Vattenfall, together with project partners, plans to connect northwest Berlin to the national hydrogen transport network. In addition, hydrogen users such as Vattenfall’s planned new high efficiency combined heat and power plant Reuter West will be connected to the supply of climate-neutral hydrogen. The perspective: a district heating electricity supply based on up to 100 % green hydrogen.
Further information:
„Die Partnerschaft mit doing hydrogen gibt uns die Möglichkeit noch mehr Wasserstoff noch schneller noch viel mehr wohin zu bringen“

Daniel Günther
CEO of Cascade